JOIN US to walk in Newburyport’s Yankee Homecoming Parade! Last year over 100 marchers joined us in representing the Pelican Intervention Fund and this year we hope for even more!
Sunday August 6, 2023
Lineup @ 10:45
Famous Pizza to Bartlett Mall
Comfy Shoes
Bring individually wrapped candy to pass out if you like!
Dear Friends,
It’s been 2 days since we marched in the Yankee Homecoming Parade and are now fully rested and still energized by the tremendous turnout and support of the community. We had well over 100 marchers on a day that temperatures hit 98 degree’s!!! Such an awesome show of enthusiasm and energy for our mission. Our group was by far the largest, loudest and liveliest of the parade. Our band, “The Far Out” was amazing and got both our marchers and parade observers cheering and clapping for the Pelicans.
Thank-You for all your efforts and participation!!! You are all Amazing.
We also had representatives from ALL of the 12 Step Sober Living Houses we support holding signs of Thanks and Gratitude. I attached a few pictures that reflect the success of the day. The day was capped off by a wonderful reception/picnic hosted by Pat and Brad Cannon on High Street, Newburyport where we all had the chance to chat, rest and get some great food!!!
Last week Kim and I were interviewed by the Morning Show (Port Media) conducted by Mary Jacobsen and have included the link HERE if you want to learn more about the Pelican Intervention Fund and how we got started.
With Gratitude and Appreciation for all that you do,
Steve & Kim Keene
The Pelican Intervention Fund
Published in Newburyport Daily News
By Jack Shea, Nov 28, 2018
NEWBURYPORT — When Mitch Cohen was in the throes of addiction two years ago, he did all the heavy lifting to get himself sober, but the Pelican Intervention Fund lent a helping hand.
Cohen will put his physical strength to the test Sunday at the RPS Powerlifting Championships in Lebanon, New Hampshire, while raising money for the Pelican Intervention Fund as part of his Pounds for Pelican fundraiser.
The Pelican Intervention Fund is a Newburyport-based nonprofit that pays for residential 12-step recovery programs for low-income adults struggling with alcohol or drug addiction on the North Shore. It was founded in 2015 by Kim Keene, Steven Keene and Elizabeth McCarthy.
Published in Newburyport Wicked Local
By Carol Feingold, Nov 13, 2018
“This month as we celebrate Thanksgiving and the Pelican Intervention Fund’s Third Anniversary, we have much for which we are grateful,” said Elizabeth McCarthy, who founded the Pelican Intervention Fund (PIF) in 2015, along with Kim and Steven Keene.
“In the past three years, with continued support and generosity of many individuals, businesses and organizations we have raised over $200,000; funded 35 local men and women for recovery; achieved recognition as the 2018 Non-Profit Organization of the Year by the Newburyport Chamber of Commerce; received the Asset Builders Award, and accepted the Unsung Heroines of Massachusetts Award from the Massachusetts House of Representatives.”
Join us November 23 and 24 for the annual Festival of Wreaths and Trees at the Old South Presbyterian Church in Newburyport!
Tickets – $5 Admission good for Friday and Saturday
Raffle Tickets – $10 for 25 chances to win wreaths, trees, and other raffle items including the Pelican Intervention Fund Travelling Quilt!
All proceeds benefit the Pelican Intervention Fund.